Anti Corruption Policy

      ARIP Public Company Limited (the “Company”) is committed to combating corruption and bribery by not accepting any form of corruption and bribery. In addition, the Company and all related parties in the business operations are required to comply with the anti-corruption and bribery policy by emphasizing transparency and taking into account honesty in dealing with officials or agencies to avoid actions that may result in inappropriate actions and conflict with the principles of good management, including opposing the giving or receiving of bribes to facilitate or benefit the Company’s business. Disciplinary punishments are imposed on those who commit such offenses.

1. Political policy

The Company has the following political practices:

1.1 Exercise your rights as a good citizen by the Constitution and other relevant laws.

1.2 Do not participate in any activities and do not express any opinions that may lead to the understanding that the Company is involved in or supports any political party or group of power, which may lead to disunity within the Company and the country.

1.3 Do not use the Company’s assets to support any political party or group of power in exchange for special privileges or improper benefits.

2. Policy on giving and receiving gifts

2.1 Directors, executives, and employees shall avoid accepting gifts, both monetary and non-monetary, from business partners or those involved in the Company’s business, except during festivals or traditional customs.

2.2 Directors, executives, and employees shall not personally accept money or benefits from customers, business partners of the Company, or from any person due to working on behalf of the Company.

2.3 Directors, executives, and employees shall not lend or borrow money or solicit money or items from customers or those doing business with the Company, except for borrowing money from a bank or financial institution as a customer of such bank or financial institution.

2.4 Giving or receiving donations or support must be transparent and legal, and must ensure that donations or support are not used as an excuse for giving or receiving bribes.

2.5 The Company has no policy of offering money, incentives, gifts, or special privileges in any form to customers, business partners of the Company, external government and private agencies or any person to gain business, except for providing business entertainment by tradition, trade discounts and sales promotion projects of the Company.

3. Policy on reporting misconduct or complaints

    The Company is committed to promoting directors, executives, and employees to conduct business in a proper, transparent, fair, and auditable manner following good corporate governance and the Company’s Code of Conduct.

   The Company has established a Whistle Blowing Policy to ensure that supervisors and relevant agencies are responsible for overseeing, providing advice, and monitoring the behaviors of directors, executives, and employees to ensure that they are by the law. Stakeholders can file complaints about actions that may raise suspicions of fraud or corruption that have occurred within the Company, directly or indirectly. The Company has a mechanism to protect whistleblowers or informants and emphasizes the confidentiality of information related to complaints. Whistleblowing or complaints can be done through the following channels:

1) Written letter sent by post to:

 AVM Isaraya Sukcharoen (Independent Director & Chairman of Audit Committee)

ARIP Public Company Limited

Address 99/16-20 Ratchadapisek Road, Din Daeng, Bangkok 10400

2) Electronic mail (E-mail)

The complainant must provide details of the matter to be reported or the complaint, along with the name, address, and telephone number that can be conveniently contacted.

The details of the complaints in both channels will be sent directly to the Chairman of the Audit Committee.

This will be effective from November 8, 2023, onwards.