- Comprehensive Digital Marketing Service
ARIP offer “Digital Marketing Service & Consultant” providing full range of digital services to fulfill in short-run and long-run term of enterprise marketing communication demand, which providing as following details: Online Marketing Strategy, Branding communication through digital media, Online Communication Strategy, Content Marketing Strategy, Creative Content, Online Content Management, Online Media Plan and Buying Media, including achievement measurement, data analytic and reports to contribute to the ongoing marketing for the target group and aligned with the business and enterprise needs. .
- Enterprise Learning Platform
This solution developed to serve corporate or organizations needs to develop the skill and competency of its personnel by offering online training platform using Cloud Technology. It also incorporates a competency assessment system for evaluating essential skills required for future work, which for planning a learning path according to an individual’s competency level and the position required. This includes IDP, KPI and Self-Enrollment, evaluation system before and after learning, and can support a wide range of learning styles such as eLearning, Live Broadcast, Webinar and Virtual Conference. This platform can also connect with corporate human resource management system to allow information management in one system not to mention containing contents created under joined efforts of leading academic institutions, and teaching materials that are up-to-date and high quality and mixed presentation style by incorporating different types of media.